Chronolocity: A Fistful of Chronotons Book Reviews Wanted!

Dear Friends, Thank you for taking time to read Chronolocity: A Fistful of Chronotons and support this series.  Being a self-published author, I must do my own marketing and advertising. So, one way you can help this series grow it to do a book review.  There are two places that you can leave a review of the…

Tasty, but Deadly By G. P. Avants The idea of changing history, especially events that you feel brought you sadness or suffering, is appealing to some people. What would it mean if you could take the other fork in the road? You know going back and fixing something from your past in order to see…

Meet Levy Roarke

By G.P. Avants I wanted to share with you a fun project that I used in my classroom to get my high school students writing while trying to use something they seem all love, music. If was a fun idea that my daughter found on Spotify. Someone had created a playlist for Star Wars character,…

Nerdatonium Classification

es, I go to a school that has all levels of neeks. Not everyone thinks alike or do things the same. That can cause us to butt heads and cause tension between us. So, I shared with some of my closest friends, so we would understand each other and maybe be a little more patient and understanding with each other.

Is Borg Coexistence Futile?

  “Could we have prevented the Borg invasion? Did it have to turn out like this? Most of humankind was assimilated into the Borg collective and now man can’t function without the assistance of technology.” By G.P. Avants   If only we rejected the idea that the Borg put into our heads: “We are the…

Welcome to New Asgard

” I have waited long enough to write this piece. As we are about 45 minutes from seeing Avengers: End Game again. As we venture back into the Marvel Universe I am reminded that change is pivotal, poignant, and purposeful for each heroes dramatic arc.”   By G. P. Avants With the events of Thanos’s…


  By G.P. Avants Billy Batson was born into a world where parents were negligent and absent and superheroes were vigilant and very present. As he tries to find his lost long mother he is hounded by uncertain destiny. It keeps him on the run and never finding a place where he truly feels he…

Nice Flirken

By G. P. Avants This piece is a short and sweet prediction about Avenger’s Endgame. I know the rumor mill is in full production, kicking out fan-fueled thoughts and ideas about how the Avengers will find a solution to Thanos’ fatal snap. It might involve Flirken to get the job done. Ah, what is a…

Chronolocity Vol 1: Meet the A6

Welcome to another entry from Chronolocity Vol I: A Fistful of Chronotons. Today’s characters and code named “H” and “E”. They are part of the A6 the other time travel team that is attempting to discover what Mr. Cross is really up to. Here we meet them in their first contact with Levy.    Here…

Spending Time

  Here we are at the end of 2016. Wow, time has flown by. Speaking of time, here is a poem written by one of the characters from my novel, Chronolocity. Elise shares in our main character Levy’s time travel adventures, in time. These are her quick thoughts on what time means to her. Happy…