“The Lone Wolf” -Chapter 6 (Excerpt #2)

Here is the final post for the Lone Wolf.  The book is out! Buy it on Amazon now! Or you can find it on my website: johndpepeauthor.com. Will Caladin defeat Gigantor and earn his spot on the orc hunt?  Let’s see who wins in combat between the two. Chapter 6- “Finding Wor…Employment” The crowd of…

“The Lone Wolf” -Chapter 6 (Excerpt)

Caladin has gone off to find work at The Golden Dragon.  Will he and Quinn get the job?  Let’s see. Chapter 6- “Finding Wor…Employment” When Caladin entered the backroom of the bar, he noticed it was no different than the tap room. The wooden walls had old paint peeling off, the floor was made of…

The Lone Wolf-Chapter 3

In chapter 3 we pick up with Remence trying, unsuccessfully, to convince his tribe to flee. We their scouts return it is not an army of orcs but fifty.  Remence tries to persuade the council that this is just a vanguard for the real army, but his pleas fall on deaf ears. Chapter 3 Do…