1881 Time Circle Part 1

By. G.P. Avants Here is a selection from the story, Chronolocity: A Fistful of Chronotons we meet H & E two young time travelers who are sent back in time to investigate Mr. Cross’ tampering with history. In this scene H & E observe Levy Roarke and discuss some if the issues that they have had to…

The Tale of Juan Juberus

By G.P. Avants Not everyone who ever lived has gotten recognition for their accomplishments. Do you know the name of Queen Elizabeth’s primary school teacher?  How about a neighbor of Martin Luther King JR, who quietly modeled faith under persecution? How many everyday “nobodies” made the American dream a reality just because they lived out what…

The Letter “A” is for Annie

By G. P. Avants Much of the history we know were taken from letters that people sent back-and-forth while corresponding. Unlike an email, letters were handwritten, unique, and one of time. You could equate a letter from a historical figure as finding gold. The stories, told, the wishes hoped for, and the love sustained really…

Tasty, but Deadly

By G. P. Avants The idea of changing history, especially events that you feel brought you sadness or suffering, is appealing to some people. What would it mean if you could take the other fork in the road? You know going back and fixing something from your past in order to see the events of…

Don’t Sweat it, Mr. Buckley

By G.P. Avants In Chronolocity: A Fistful of Chronotons we meet a number of interesting characters from the past and…from the future. Mr. Buckley is part of Mr. Cross’ time travel expedition. Edwin Buckley is a genius with the computer and technology division who is uncertain about his part in this mission. In a way…

Levy’s Soundtrack of Life

By G.P. Avants Last week I promised that I would share the actual digital technology lesson that I created with my high school students. If you missed the last post that one talked about how to use music and technology to get students to have more buy in with their reading, writing, research, and presentation…

Dorkus Maximus

By G. P. Avants You gotta love someone with a great sense of humor. They are the sort of person who can find the punch line in any situation or can create one with ease. Maybe a person who can be the butt of a joke and take it with stride might be the rarest…

Building People Bridges

By G.P. Avants  Be yourself. I know one thing that is easy to do is fake being the real you. Neeks are teased and are often misunderstood. Sometimes it’s easier to hide your brain when you think people will blow you off.  Here is an interesting stat: Smart girls can easily hide their intelligence if…

I am Into Ships

By G.P. Avants  Did you think I was talking about people? You know ships which is short for relationships? I am but I do mean something else that is almost as awesome. There is something really cool about space ships. Now, I am not a mechanic and I know basic things about any sort of vehicle design….