You Don’t Like My Flowers?

By G. P. Avants This short story is a scene from Chronolocity: A Fistful of Chronotons. To subtly correct the future timeline, Mr. Cross creates training for key historical figures in their impressionable childhood state. The reality and the practical application of time-travel is discussed in detail after he explains his dream for painting a better…

God Among Geeks/ N101 Facebook Live Event!

Hello! We wanted to invite you to a new WEEKLY event on Facebook Live called the Neek Peak of the Week. We want to be there for our online community by giving weekly encouragement, conversation, and collaboration with our nerd, geek, and creative family. Why not join us for 15 minutes every Monday for a…

Star Trek Picard: Is their Life after Broken? 

    Star Trek has been an almost continuous fandom, either on TV, on the big screen, even on the internet since 1966. Each incarnation of Star Trek has had a captain and crew that upholds, for the most part the ideals and principles of The United Federation of Planets. A dedicated team who’s goal…


By G.P. Avants There are two seasons of Mars out at the time of this post. We are privy to the intrepid colonists’ first steps on Martian soil into the discoveries, decision, and dilemmas that defined their future. As they land, settle, explore, and begin their lives on this foreign planet, we get to see…

Mr. Rogers :  Please Forgive My Neighbor

By G.P. Avants I look over at my wife and she is already in tears ten minutes into Won’t You Be My Neighbor. Tom Hanks is portraying Fred Rogers down to a tee capturing the man behind the story. I think what got to both of us was experiencing nostalgia from our childhood and the…

The Wonder of Waaaaaah 

Creative people have a unique capacity for deepness in all aspects of life. This piece is a reminder to embrace whatever God sends your way to become who you were created to be.

Dark Phoenix: Out of the Dark and Into the Grey

By G. P. Avants Growth is a necessary part of life though it more often than not painful. Ask the X-Men and women. They have struggles to be recognized not just as odd, different, and scary, but intelligent, caring, and heroic individuals. The world has moved from fearing them and trying to extinguish their kind…