“The Lone Wolf” -Chapter 5 (Excerpt #2)

Here is the conclusion to Chapter 5. Will Remence and his village survive the orc onslaught. Let’s see Grok can hold the  line against the orc onslaught. Chapter 5- “Victory!” Grok felt the center losing ground. The archers had prevented the orcs from gaining his flanks, but with all their forces now pushing in on…

“The Lone Wolf”- Chapter 5 (An Excerpt)

The Orcs have arrived!  What will happen? Will Remence and his village be victorious or will the orcs? Chapter 5 – “Victory!” Falen stood from his chair after one of the villagers had finished whispering in his ear. He addressed the crowd in the meeting hall. “The scouts have returned. They say it is a…

Your Source for the Force

From the God Among Geeks staff: Gary, Rudy, and John Talk about a mash up. Today is National Day of Prayer and it happens to fall on May 4th.  I was going to say only Neekdom knows about May the Fourth be with you, but many in pop-culture are aware of it.  So, this is…