Marvel VS DC Deluge

Every hero needs a team. They become more than the sum of their parts. Superman, no matter how powerful he is, does have a weakness that can destroy him. The other on his team can fight when he can’t and are strong when he isn’t. So, everyone needs to be part of a team.

Star Wars or Star Trek

By G.P. Avants Fandom has taken a hit as of late. Don’t ask me why but when multiple fandom universes intersect, we are bound to see sparks just from the collision. A little friction, opinion, and points of view are normal and how we tackle it might make all the difference. Two universes that have…

The International Language of Neeks

By G.P. Avants What is that international language that is supposed to be the world language, Esperanto? I think that’s it. That would be a feat to get people speaking the same language. Unless of course you are a nerd. Oh, by the way if that term still makes your eye twitch maybe the term…

For Nerds Written by a Nerd

As an adult I went to found nerds at work, school, and church. They were everywhere! When I found my wife (Not a neek, but a neek supporter), she had two boys who were major neeks on lots of levels. How else could I be convinced to open up my Star Wars collection, so we could play for hours?

A Nerd’s Brand of Hero

By G.P. Avants  I think inside all of us is a hero that wants a chance to do something great. You know, we all want to change the world in some way. Can you relate? What can a neek do that compares with those who do great almost superhuman things?  As our character, Levy finds…

God Among Geeks/ N101 Facebook Live Event!

Hello! We wanted to invite you to a new WEEKLY event on Facebook Live called the Neek Peak of the Week. We want to be there for our online community by giving weekly encouragement, conversation, and collaboration with our nerd, geek, and creative family. Why not join us for 15 minutes every Monday for a…

Star Trek Picard: Is their Life after Broken? 

    Star Trek has been an almost continuous fandom, either on TV, on the big screen, even on the internet since 1966. Each incarnation of Star Trek has had a captain and crew that upholds, for the most part the ideals and principles of The United Federation of Planets. A dedicated team who’s goal…

Is Borg Coexistence Futile?

  “Could we have prevented the Borg invasion? Did it have to turn out like this? Most of humankind was assimilated into the Borg collective and now man can’t function without the assistance of technology.” By G.P. Avants   If only we rejected the idea that the Borg put into our heads: “We are the…

Selfie with the Hulk? 

“The Avengers have changed after Thanos’ Snapture. Some for the better, some of the worst and some, wait what?”    By G.P. Avants    The last time we saw the divisive team of Bruce Banner and the Incredible Hulk they were at war within themselves. But wait! What is going on?  As Steve Rogers, Natashi, and…

Welcome to New Asgard

” I have waited long enough to write this piece. As we are about 45 minutes from seeing Avengers: End Game again. As we venture back into the Marvel Universe I am reminded that change is pivotal, poignant, and purposeful for each heroes dramatic arc.”   By G. P. Avants With the events of Thanos’s…


  By G.P. Avants Billy Batson was born into a world where parents were negligent and absent and superheroes were vigilant and very present. As he tries to find his lost long mother he is hounded by uncertain destiny. It keeps him on the run and never finding a place where he truly feels he…