The Letter “A” is for Annie

By G. P. Avants Much of the history we know were taken from letters that people sent back-and-forth while corresponding. Unlike an email, letters were handwritten, unique, and one of time. You could equate a letter from a historical figure as finding gold. The stories, told, the wishes hoped for, and the love sustained really…

For Nerds Written by a Nerd

As an adult I went to found nerds at work, school, and church. They were everywhere! When I found my wife (Not a neek, but a neek supporter), she had two boys who were major neeks on lots of levels. How else could I be convinced to open up my Star Wars collection, so we could play for hours?

A Nerd’s Brand of Hero

By G.P. Avants  I think inside all of us is a hero that wants a chance to do something great. You know, we all want to change the world in some way. Can you relate? What can a neek do that compares with those who do great almost superhuman things?  As our character, Levy finds…

God Among Geeks/ N101 Facebook Live Event!

Hello! We wanted to invite you to a new WEEKLY event on Facebook Live called the Neek Peak of the Week. We want to be there for our online community by giving weekly encouragement, conversation, and collaboration with our nerd, geek, and creative family. Why not join us for 15 minutes every Monday for a…


By G.P. Avants There are two seasons of Mars out at the time of this post. We are privy to the intrepid colonists’ first steps on Martian soil into the discoveries, decision, and dilemmas that defined their future. As they land, settle, explore, and begin their lives on this foreign planet, we get to see…

From a Free Fandom Universe

Here we are at the end of another year. It has been a busy one for me personally. How about you? I have found it good to take time and reflect a little more about why we started God Among Geeks and Neekology101. So this post is not our usual fare, but maybe you might…

Toy Story 4: BoBeep, You Found Your Sheep

By G. P. Avants   Watching the trailers for Toy Story 4 I wasn’t sure about this next chapter. I wasn’t impressed. However, I have faith in Pixar and their craft at stories with real substance.   My faith was well-placed. We get a flashback to the day when Bo Peep left Andy’s home. We…

The Wonder of Waaaaaah 

Creative people have a unique capacity for deepness in all aspects of life. This piece is a reminder to embrace whatever God sends your way to become who you were created to be.


“KHAN! How can one man’s name strike a different emotional response in three different people?” By G. P. Avants   With a new revival of the Star Trek franchise I have been dabbling into the series and feature films again. Since we at God Among Geeks and Neekology 101 love to explore the character of…

Is Borg Coexistence Futile?

  “Could we have prevented the Borg invasion? Did it have to turn out like this? Most of humankind was assimilated into the Borg collective and now man can’t function without the assistance of technology.” By G.P. Avants   If only we rejected the idea that the Borg put into our heads: “We are the…