Life Under a Microscope


By G.P. Avants


Being a parent isn’t easy. Add a blended family into the mix, getting a bad wrap on a good deed, and getting on everyone’s bad list. Then you might be able to relate to Scott Lang aka the Antman.


As Ant-Man and the Wasp opens Scott is under house arrest due to his actions in Avenger’s Cival War. He along with Clint both had a lot at stake by having families. So, only having a little time left Ant-Man’s life is under a microscope. It felt like everyone involved in Scott’s life are feeling the pressure of protecting their family units from the things that tear them apart. Scott has won the opportunity to have his daughter Cassie in his life. He also gotten his fellow ex-convicts brothers creating their own business venture. However, his actions have put a strain on his relationship with Dr. Pym and Faith. Of course we know that visiting the Quantum Realm has given him a chance to help reunite the Pym family with their long lost mother. But that quest has also ampt up the stakes for more enemies to pick apart the positive advanced Scott and his team have made. It never goes perfect and in the end you might end ready for whatever new circumstance that comes blowing through life.


Being a normal parent in even a healthy situation already puts you under the microscope. Time, unfair circumstances, and life seems to put your life under constant scrutiny. It is a blessing to have others in the trenches with you. Sometimes having crazy stories or friends who keep you laughing can get you through a tough moment. But maybe knowing that from God’s perspective we all have things we need help with. Nobody does it right all the time. Sometimes just knowing you only have to take on faithful move at a time takes pressure off you. Trust that your life can be better off in bigger and better hands for the larger and complicated storyline ahead.



5 Comments Add yours

  1. The MCU has given us so many brilliant characters but the family dynamic we have in Scott Lang and the Pyms adds a wonderful dimension that’s completely unique. I loved this film too! I know some people may’ve found it a little lackluster after the craziness of ‘Infinity War’ but I think this was Marvel doing what Marvel does best in a fun, exciting, character-driven story.


    1. gpavants says:

      Yes. That is the key, good characters.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I like how we see the parent/child relationship in a few different incarnations in the Ant-Man films. There’s so much heart and honesty in there and certainly a lot they can continue to explore going forward.


      2. gpavants says:

        Ant man is a key to solving the Thanos issue.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Oh yeah, I bet he will feature prominently, Hawkeye (or Ronin) too. But my money’s on Tony being the key. Doctor Strange was all, “I won’t ever give up the Time Stone and, if it comes to it, I’ll let you and the kid die to protect it.” Then, after looking into all the possible futures, he gives the Stone up to protect Tony. I just hope that doesn’t mean Tony’s going to die… I bet he is, I just hope he isn’t. But, back to Ant-Man, I wonder if the Quantum Realm will feature in how they battle Thanos.


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